Reduce Family Stress with a College Planner

Reduce the Stress of the College Application Process

Every parent I know who has sent a kid to college remembers the stress of the school selection and application process. It’s usually overwhelming at some point, often as deadlines approach. What usually starts as a supportive and encouraging environment often ends with fighting and frustration on the part of both parent and child. Bringing a third party College Planner into the mix helps many families.

IMGP9412 by mattbuck4950, on Flickr

IMGP9412 by mattbuck4950, on Flickr. Used with a Creative Commons license.

Why is that? Well, parents no longer have to push their child to work on applications and essays. Parents don’t to have to get angry that their child is procrastinating and avoiding. The College Planner is charged with keeping the child on track and on schedule. Having a College Planner to keep the applicant on task and focused is a gift that many parents give to themselves and to their child.

Another optimum advantage of working with a College Planner is that the student him/herself is less stressed. The College Planner helps the student to break down the tasks at hand into manageable pieces to be tackled one at a time, and there is support at every juncture. Research indicates that stress is significantly reduced when one feels supported and not alone.

A professional College Planner may just be the key to your child’s admission to the right school via a successful, stress–free, college planning process.

Call today at 845-405-1350 -or simply complete and send the form below- to learn how I can help your family reduce stress during the college planning and application process.

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